8 min readMar 18, 2021

How To Make Money On Fiverr

In today’s article, I will be walking you guys through a strategy that anyone at all from anywhere in the world could use to make real money on Fiverr fast.

If you’re serious about making money on Fiverr, you have to read this article in detail because I will be going over a lot of detail on what my experiences have been after making over $50,000+ from one of my Fiverr accounts at the age of 18.

I will be walking you guys through, first of all, a mistake that 99% of new Fiverr sellers make and how you need to start your Fiverr account the right way and after I walk you guys through that I will then walk you guys through the next thing that you’ll have to do which is finding the right services to sell.

I’ll show you services that you can sell on Fiverr even if you have no skills at all)

After I show you guys the services, I will walk you guys through how you can set up your gigs, and after that, I will then show you guys what you have to do to promote your gigs, get traffic and sales.

For those people reading this post who do not know what Fiverr gigs are, they simply mean the services you sell on Fiverr, so if you’re new to the whole Fiverr thing bear in mind that any time I talk about Fiverr gigs here, I mean the services you’ll be selling to make money on Fiverr.

With all that said above, lets quickly get started by showing you guys the mistake that most people make while creating their Fiverr accounts
Table of Contents
1. Here Are The 2 MISTAKES That 99% Of New Fiverr Sellers Make.
2. Here Are Some Fiverr Gig Ideas That’ll Make You $$$
3. Here’s How You Create Fiverr Gigs (STEP BY STEP)
4. Here’s How & Where To Promote Your Fiverr Gigs!

Here Are The 2 MISTAKES That 99% Of New Fiverr Sellers Make.
Mistake #1

The first mistake that most people, first of all, make while setting up their Fiverr accounts is the fact that they, first of all, don’t get their account username right.

I know to a lot of people the username of your Fiverr account seems useless and irrelevant to our journey of making money online but trust me if you’ve ever thought like that, you’re 100% wrong and I’ll give you two good reasons why below.

REASON 1: Most people who buy services on Fiverr trust buying from Fiverr sellers who either have like a company looking name that’s targeted to a particular niche or from sellers who have a personality.

REASON 2: Most buyers also search for usernames on Fiverr instead of gigs so you want to make sure your username is related to whatever you’re going to be selling on Fiverr. (and don’t worry if you do not know what to sell on Fiverr I’ll talk about it in this post)

Basically what I’m trying to get at is that you should make sure you either use a name that sounds like company name or use a name that gives you a personality.

A good example of a username that makes you look like a small company that’s selling through Fiverr is something like “BlueBandGraphics” and an example of one that gives your Fiverr account a personality is “JonesLogoStudio”.

That’s what I mean. And once you’ve gotten the Fiverr account username correct, the next thing you’ll need to do would be to make sure you correct the second mistake. (I’ll talk about that below)

Mistake #2
People while creating their Fiverr gigs do not fill out or connect their social accounts. From my observations and experience selling on Fiverr, I have found out that Fiverr accounts that have their social platforms like Facebook, twitter, google, dribble, Vimeo and the other lited ones perform more and get more sales than the ones that don’t.

I know a lot of people are going to say I’m wrong here but I will prove it to you that I’m correct. You can see in the image I attached below that Fiverr themselves stated faintly on the page that we all see when we’re setting up seller accounts that “Taking time to verify and link your accounts can upgrade your credibility and help us provide you with more business” You can all see for yourselves in the image below.

SO you want to make sure you’re not making Those mistakes that the 99% out there make while trying to make money on Fiverr.

If you had already created a Fiverr account that has these faults, all you’ll need to do would be to go and create another Fiverr account because you can’t change a Fiverr account username once you’ve created it. You’ll need to get a new one.

Now that I’ve walked you guys through the top 2 mistakes that most newbies make, let’s now look through some top Fiverr gig ideas that I think you should consider selling on Fiverr.

Here Are Some Fiverr Gig Ideas That’ll Make You $$$
First, before I go into showing you guys the top 5 things that I think you should sell on Fiverr, I would like to tell you that if you have any kind of skill at all, be it rapping, graphics designing, singing, poetry, content writing, website design, video editing, drawing and other stuff like that.

You should consider selling your skills (what you’re very good at), If you don’t have any skills, you should probably go and take some courses or go learn some skills around.

But if you are someone that has no skills at all and can’t really learn a skill and become very good at it then you should read a post that I did on the top 5 Fiverr gig ideas that anyone without skills can sell to make money.

If you’re one of the people that’ll read that, just click on that link, it’ll take you to the post. read it and decide on what you’re going to be selling on Fiverr.

After you’ve decided you can then come back to this post and read the next part of this article which will be aimed at showing you guys how to create your gigs on Fiverr (STEP BY STEP)

With all that said right there, let’s move on to showing you guys how you can create your Fiverr gigs (services) because I believe that by now you should have made up your mind on what you want to sell on Fiverr.

Here’s How You Create Fiverr Gigs (STEP BY STEP)

Here’s How & Where To Promote Your Fiverr Gigs!
There are various strategies that one could use to get a tonnes of sales on Fiverr even as a newbie, but what I see most people do all the time is that they hope to Fiverr to make money, they create their accounts and set up their gigs, and after that, they sit back and expect Fiverr to do some kind of magic that’ll bring them sales and clients.

That’s the worst thing that anyone who is trying to earn money on Fiverr can do to him or her self because Fiverr has a tonnes of sellers already and there are more trooping into the platform to sell daily so there is need for you to think outside the box and do something that’ll get you sales as a Fiverr seller.

And in this article, I’ll walk you guys through the top 2 strategies that have worked so well for me no journey of making money online as a freelancer on the Fiverr platform is ever that easy.

METHOD #1: Ranking Your Gigs On Fiverr Search!
It is not new news to us that when buyers come over to Fiverr to buy services daily, they go over to the Fiverr search bar and type in keywords that will help them find services that suit their needs.

And YES! we want our gig to show up high on that list so that we can get exposure, get seen by more customers and finally, get sales on our Fiverr gigs.

And in other, for us to rank our gigs on Fiverr search, we have to follow some guidelines and do some certain things that will give us edges over other competing freelancers that will equally be trying to get the attention of the buyers on Fiverr.

With all that said, let us move over to the second Fiverr gig promotion strategy that I have to show you guys inside of this article.

METHOD #2: Answering Your Customers Questions!
What we’re going to be doing here, would be something that can change your hole freelance game for you if you take it seriously and stay committed to doing this.

Were going to be using a platform that has around 500 million visitors who are highly targeted and are most likely to buy the services we have to offer.

The good thing about this strategy is that it gives us the customer at the time that they most need what you have to sell and at that moment, all you simply need to do would be to pitch them your Fiverr service.

This strategy involves a website called, and for those of us who might not know, Quora is a website where people who need stuff go to ask questions to get help from people who have information about the solutions to their problem.

So, what we’re going to be doing, would be, finding people who are asking questions about whatever service was selling on Fiverr.

Once we find these people who we know need what we sell on Fiverr, we simply have to answer their questions and provide our Fiverr service as the solution.

But the problem here is that tonnes of Fiverr sellers have done this in the past years and have gotten thousands of sales with it, Quora became aggressive and blocked Fiverr from their website totally because Quora which makes money from the adverts that they sell on their high traffic bite doesn’t like the fact that Fiverr sellers are answering questions for free and making money off their platform for free. (they want us to pay them for adverts)

And when Quora did that, they hit lots of Fiverr sellers who have been taking advantage of Quora to make sales on their Fiverr gigs. (This put a lot of Fiverr sellers off that strategy)

If you still have any questions that relate to how one can make money on Fiverr, you can either ask me in the comments section below or read this post where I answered lots of Fiverr related questions.

Thanks for reading guys! Hopefully, I’ll see you guys at the top of Fiverr’s seller list! PEACE!

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